The second game of the Dominick Cantatore Memorial BaseballTournament was a disaster for the PYO No Mads, who lost to the PYOSpartans three to one in first rumble.
The Spartans came up empty in the first with strong pitching fromJustin Nunez and outstanding fielding by Christopher Serrano. TheNo Mads drew first blood in the first after Nunez walked, andJoseph Diaz lined one through third for a stand up RBIdouble.The Spartans exploded with seven runs in the third. The hit paradeincluded hits and RBIs from Mike Mazza, Mauricio Cuszo, StevenTropiano, William Daly and Angel Rocket Rivers.That was a tough inning for the No Mads. They came up with one runoff Thomas Big Chill Ball’s bat. Diaz kept the Spartans off theboards in the fourth by sizzling the plate, while Austin Zouhariadded another No Mad run.The score was 7 to 2 entering the fifth, when the Spartans went onanother scoring binge. Five more runs stampeded across the plateuntil Ball, the No Mads’ top pitcher, took control. Three batterson the Spartan line up succumbed to the wrath of Big Chill withthree strikeouts in a row.The Spartans took care of the first two No Mad batters with coolplays from the hill. Then, Outlaw Eddie Fiacco bought a walk andstole second and third, scoring on Diaz’s double to center.It was the top of the sixth and the Spartans sported a 12 to 4lead. They scored four runs on hits by Daly, Niko Tuosan and aclassic RBI bunt by Dominick Raphael.The No Mads took their last licks facing Daly. Three strikeouts ina row put an end to the No Mads’ quest for the tournamentchampionship. The game ended 16 to 4, and the Spartans went homewith hooded sweatshirts, the championship and the bacon. The NoMads were given tournament tee shirts for their second placestanding.The PYO Rangers ran away with their victory over the Red Lions withoutstanding hitting from their powerful line-up. Sean Bosch’s fourRBIs, Michael Correa’s three RBIs, Chris Natelli’s three for threeand two RBIs, and Isaac Gaza’s two for two with two RBIs put theRangers in the winner’s circle.Outstanding fielding helped to keep the Lions off the boards withgreat plays from Shawn Cush on the mound, Alex Campos at third,Antonio at short, Thomas Wright in center and Joseph Rodriquez inleft.Leave a Reply
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