The West Nile Virus, the potentially fatal, mosquito-bornedisease, has been detected in the Brooklyn neighborhoods of BathBeach, Dyker Heights, Gravesend, Greenwood Heights, Marine Park andWindsor Terrace, according to the New York City Department ofHealth and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH).
West Nile Virus has been detected in mosquito pools in theareas [of Bath Beach, Dyker Heights, Gravesend, Greenwood Heights,Marine Park and Windsor Terrace], not in humans, said DOHMHspokesperson Chanel Caraway, who also noted: The Health Departmentroutinely monitors New York City for the presence of West Nilevirus in mosquitoes by placing weekly mosquito traps, and countingthe number of mosquitoes present in a variety of areas of thecity.
Councilmember Vincent Gentile is urging caution from hisconstituents.
People should protect themselves whenever they are outdoors -especially those 50 and over, Gentile said. Make sure toeliminate all sources of standing water, including water in birdbaths, flowerpots, old tires and any other source of standing waterthat can support mosquito breeding.
Gentile’s office is investigating whether pesticides will bereapplied in the areas of Dyker Heights and Bath Beach, where theywere sprayed on August 10.
The DOHMH suggests local residents protect themselves at nightby wearing loose-fitting long clothing, confirming doors andwindows are properly sealed and utilizing pesticides containingDEET, Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus, IR3535 or Picaridin.
Standing water can be reported to Gentile’s office at718-748-5200 or by calling 311.