Autumn in the Ridge offers a host of familiar images. The redsand oranges appear to light up the trees on the shore. The avenuesare filled with bright-eyed school kids donning their freshlyironed school uniforms and shiny new backpacks.
Evenings on the waterfront draw dog walkers from miles around, aspups enjoy the drop in temperature and the wide open spaces. Inhonor of these and other species of furry friends, a favorite localhaunt is holding a benefit for a very worthy cause.On October 9, the Wicked Monk will host the Second Annual SeanCasey Animal Rescue Fundraiser to benefit their not-for-profit, nokill shelter. S.C.A.R. takes in rescued, confiscated, neglected,injured, ill and unwanted animals until they can be placed insuitable homes. The shelter is dedicated to finding caretakers forcats, dogs and other animals, and holds regular adoption events todo so.Attendees of the benefit will receive a door entry prize and drinkspecials throughout the night. In addition, entertainment willinclude performances by local musicians and a ton of raffles andcontests. Last year’s fundraiser raised over $5,000 for the Rescue,allowing construction to start on a new shelter in Sunset Park.Spend October 9 supporting an amazing cause and the furry friendswho make our days brighter.For more information, or to make a donation to Sean Casey AnimalRescue, visit a Reply
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