As the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks neared,students from over 25 schools across Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights andBensonhurst poured their young hearts and minds into creating oneposter for each person lost forever on that day.
Together, they created 3,000 posters, each of which was thenhung on the railing along the Shore Road walkway and bike pathduring this year’s commemoration ceremonies at Cannonball Park andthe 69th Street Pier, and left there for a few days for pedestriansto reflect upon and, eventually, for family members of thosememorialized to take home.
The art project was spearheaded by Councilmember Vincent Gentileand, at the October meeting of Community Education Council (CEC)District 20, he thanked each of the schools, staff and studentsthat participated, presenting each with a certificate ofrecognition.
The schools recognized were P.S. 69, P.S. 102, P.S. 104, P.S.112, P.S. 127, P.S. 128, P.S. 163, P.S. 170, P.S. 176, P.S. 185,P.S. 186, P.S. 200, P.S. 204, P.S. 205, P.S. 229, P.S. 247, I.S.30, I.S. 187, I.S. 201, I.S. 227, I.S. 259, New Utrecht HighSchool, High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technology, FortHamilton High School, Bay Ridge Preparatory, Fontbonne Academy, andSt. Anselm’s. A Boy Scout Troop was also recognized.
Some kids put their heart and soul into it, said LaurieWindsor, president of CEC 20. They researched [the victim’s] namesand lives. Thank you, [Councilmember Gentile] for welcoming ourchildren and schools so that they never forget.