Are you or someone you love being abused? 1 out of every 3 womenis in an abusive relationship.
Domestic Violence includes physical abuse, emotional abuse,threats, intimidation, isolation and economic coercion. It is usedby one person against another to exert his/her power and control.This abuse takes place in the context of dating, family orhousehold relationships.Domestic violence is intentional behavior. It is not just a fightthat goes of control or an incident of an individual losing his orher temper. It is purposeful, with the intention of gaining andmaintaining control and power in a relationship.At times, the abuse is easily identified – violent physical contactand name calling. At other times, the abuse may appear to beromance – constant phone calls, gifts, jealousy.Below are 10 common indicators: Stalking: questioning your every move and telling you that he orshe loves you and is being protective; Texting or calling you constantly; telling you he or she isconcerned about you and wants to make sure you’re safe; Controlling your finances; force you to account in detail forwhat you spend; Criticizing you for every little thing you do; Humiliating you in front of your family and friends; Angering easily, particularly if he or she is drinking; Forcing you to have sex against your will; Hitting or punching you; Jealous of friendships or any other outside relationships; Isolation from family and friends.If you can say yes to even one of these, you are in an abusiverelationship! Don’t ignore the problem be prepared – make a safety plan; Often in a calm stage, victims choose to remain in a relationshiphopeful that the abuser will change; It is important to have a safety plan in the event the violenceerupts again; Call a shelter, and find out about legal options or otherresources available to you before you have to use them; Prepare an emergency bag, extra cash, checkbook, savings account,identification, medical insurance card and address book; Keep the emergency bag in a safe place where the abuser cannotfind it; Know exactly where to go and how to get there, even if thebattery should occur in the middle of the night; Leave the situation; take the kids with you; If you are in immediate danger, call 911.Dr. Nicoletta Pallotta is director of Brooklyn Women’sServices, LLC, an affiliate of Maimonides Medical Center.Leave a Reply
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