On Saturday October 16, nearly a hundred residents gathered atthe corner of 77th Street and 14th Avenue to rename the street Dr.Giacomo Buscaino Place in honor of the late Dyker Heightsresident.
Better known to most as Dr. Jack, Buscaino was a cardiologistand internist with a practice in Bay Ridge. But most of all, he wasa family man tied to his neighborhood. Buscaino was a board memberand chief of cardiology at Victory Memorial Hospital, and a memberof the Ben Bay Kiwanis Club and the Federation of Italian-AmericanOrganizations (FIAO).
Jack was a very modest guy. He never looked for any attention,his wife, Nancy Buscaino, recalled. He was very giving and verycompassionate. He was a great father and husband – a very social,very smart man.
Those in attendance at the renaming included his widow and threesons; Councilmember Vincent Gentile; Assemblymember Peter Abbate;Dr. Douglas Lazzaro, chairperson of the department of ophthalmologyat SUNY Downstate Medical Center; retired Colonel Robert Alessi ofthe Ben Bay Kiwanis Club and Frank Naccarato, FIAO president.
In his 56 short years with us, Jack gave us a lifetime,Gentile, who sponsored the renaming, said. His death may have beensudden but his spirit is everlasting. And it is that brilliant andbeaming spirit that will light the path like a beacon in the nightfor Jack’s friends and family to always follow.
Buscaino said that her husband was extremely hard working – hewas a pharmacist before he went to medical school – and treatedeveryone like they were family. He always gave to his community,she said. He just was amazing.
When his practice opened up on the corner of Third Avenue and89th Street, Buscaino wanted to be involved with every detail. Hewould go with the decorator and pick out stuff like what colorchairs there would be, his wife explained.
Buscaino died suddenly on September 5, 2008, most likely of ablood clot in his leg. The street sign bearing his name givescomfort to his family and friends.
I am proud of it – I look at it and smile, his wife said.Jackie deserved it, even though he wouldn’t have wanted it. I amjust happy that his sons see it and I know it’s comforting topatients and also to me.