Give us a brake!
Heeding community outcries, the Department of Transportation (DOT)has approved the installation of Children Crossing/Reduce Speedsigns at the intersection of 79th Street and Shore Road, which isadjacent to a playground and Shore Road Park.While there is a traffic light at 79th Street and Shore Road, theapproach in both directions on Shore Road is one that is sloped,and thus, the speed in which cars travel increases very quickly,stated State Senator Marty Golden, who helped get the signsapproved. These signs will serve as a key reminder to drivers thatthey are approaching an area frequently traveled by children,hopefully slowing down traffic and improving safely for thosecrossing the street and on bikes.Residents warmly welcomed the news.Of course this is a good thing, said Argaey Mansour who comes tothe playground with his twin daughters, Olivia and Laila, 6, everyday after school. I will for sure feel safer.Janey Rios, who visits the park often with her two sons, agreed. Ithink it’s a good idea, she said. You still have to watch yourkids, but it will help.Todd and Nicole Crews live near Shore Road Park and were relaxingon the grass on a sunny autumn day. Oh yeah, that’s always good,Crews said when The Home Reporter told her about the newsigns. Even though parents tell their kids to look both ways whencrossing, they still run into the street. You have to do everythingyou can to be safe.Her husband agreed. People always speed down Shore Road,especially over here where there isn’t a lot of traffic, he said.They really need to install speed bumps, because no one wants towreck their car.A DOT spokesperson said that the new signs will be put up by lateDecember.Leave a Reply
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