It’s not often that a food drive comes with the proverbialcherry on top.
But, a recent effort to benefit the Food Bank for New York City,held at Avenue U and West 10th Street, did – the offering of a freeice cream sundae to those who were willing to make a donation drewdozens of residents on Sunday, October 9, eager to help out thoseless fortunate.
It was a beautiful thing that we could come together and raisesome money, said Maria The Ice Cream Girl Campanella, whosponsored the event with State Senator Marty Golden. noting thatshe made a large brownie sundae for everyone who donated. It wasreally nice to see. It was great to hang out and do somethingnice.
The summer-like weather brought out people both on foot and incars. Three large boxes of canned and boxed food were accepted, aswell as about $70 in cash. The drive took place in front ofchiropractor Scott Skoklimn’s office, where the boxes of food werestored overnight.
In these tough economic times, it is important that we continueto join together and support food pantries and efforts to supportthose in most need, said John Quaglione, Golden’s press secretary.That is why Senator Golden is so proud to have worked with MariaCampanella to help stock the shelves of the Food Bank for New YorkCity, at this time. With the holiday season among us, it is a timefor us all to consider making donations to support the hungry ofour city and support our neighbors.
Campanella baked up eight to 10 trays of brownies and had 20gallons of vanilla and chocolate ice cream, cans of whipped cream,sprinkles, syrups and plenty of Swedish fish on hand. It wasfunny, a bunch of football players from Lafayette High School cameby, she recalled. They had just won their game and were donatingdollars to get a huge ice cream sundae. It was cute.