Dr. Zakir Sabry is one of Bay Ridge’s newest plasticsurgeons.
He opened up his beautiful 77th Street office in June. I usedto come to Brooklyn once a month, but realized it was such agrowing community and decided to offer services that we do in thecity here, as well, he explained. Brooklyn is the next frontierand it’s the right time to offer our Upper East Side services toeveryone in Brooklyn.
Sabry practices both cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeryand offers non-surgical means of rejuvenation. We are equipped toprovide comprehensive plastic and med-spa, he said, adding thatthe med-spa has a state-of-the-art HydraFacial machine and thelatest product in skin care, called MyBody.
The HydraFacial uses water-based dermabrasion that also infusesvitamins and serums into the skin, he explained.
Sabry also offers chemical peels, laser skin rejuvenation, hairremoval and spider vein treatments. He uses the latest medicalgrade skin care products available.
As for his plastic surgery practice, he offers non-surgicaltreatments such as Botox and fillers, as well as all types ofcosmetic surgery to enhance the face, body and breasts. Sabry alsodoes reconstructive surgery, with a large volume ofpost-oncological breast reconstructions.
I strongly feel that a mastectomy is essential to cure thedisease, but reconstruction is quintessential to maintain qualityof life, Sabry said.
Sabry also offers the latest way to treat unwanted fat – atechnique called CoolSculpting.
It is a totally non-invasive way to get rid of fat, he said.Essentially, it freezes fat, causing delayed cell death andeventually disappearance of fat within two to three months. Thereis no anesthesia, needles or syringes and has absolutely nodowntime. Each area requires an hour to treat and people are ableto get back to work immediately.
Sabry performs all procedures and surgeries, no matter how bigor small, himself. Everyone is a cosmetic surgeon nowadays butpeople should be aware and look at credentials and make sure it’s aboard certified plastic surgeon they are being treated by, hewarned.