A group of New York City police officers took their job ofserving the community literally on Monday, November 21, when theyset up shop at Our Lady of Angels Church on Fourth Avenue between73rd and 74th Streets to serve up a Thanksgiving-style feast tomore than 100 financially-challenged Brooklynites.
This year’s Thanksgiving Families event was the first-evercollaboration between the NYPD and Catholic Charities’ Our Lady ofAngels Human Service Center and Food Pantry.
Working along with the police, it went very smoothly, saidAndrea Holder, community center supervisor for Catholic Charities.I didn’t know what to expect, but the collaboration proved to be agood fit. We’re both community-minded.
The event came at a critical time for Catholic Charities.Earlier this month, the organization was forced to cut food pantryservices in half because of budget constraints. Previously offeredevery month, the food pantry is now offered bi-monthly.
In addition to serving up 10 turkeys donated by State SenatorMarty Golden, along with pasta, pie and other dishes, the eventalso provided companionship for some of those who needed it themost.
I think it meant a lot for people who don’t have family here,Holder said, adding: Two ladies told us we are their family, andthat felt so good I wanted to cry.