A white male is wanted for sodomizing a 15-year-old boy ataround 9 a.m. on Friday, December 23, in the vicinity of DahlgrenPlace and 92nd Street in Bay Ridge after taking him from a SunsetPark train station, said police from the 68th Precinct in abulletin released on Tuesday.
The man is described as being in his 40s, standing 5’8 tall andweighing around 145 pounds. He is bald, having a medium complexion,a thin build, a black and gray mustache and a skin-colored molebelow the left side of his lip.
The teen is said to have tossed an empty potato chip bag to theground on the platform of the R-line at the 53rd Street and FourthAvenue station when the suspect, dressed in civilian clothes, isalleged to have displayed a police-like shield to the boy,accused him of littering, told him he was under arrest, and orderedhim to enter a white van.
The boy was driven to Bay Ridge, where he was ordered to performoral sex on the suspect and then sodomized. Throughout, the suspectis said to have threatened the victim with a syringe.
The victim was eventually released from the van at the corner of36th Street and Fourth Avenue, not far from where he resides.
Flyers, wanted posters and crime prevention materials are beinghanded out by officers from the 72nd Precinct at local subwaystations, and continued Crime Prevention and Community Affairsoutreach is scheduled in the area.
People with any information about this incident or this suspectis asked to contact Detective Marage of the Brooklyn SpecialVictims Squad at 718-230-4415.
No further information was available at press time as theinvestigation is ongoing.