Lights are twinkling on trees as Christmas draws near.
The Shrine Church of St. Bernadette held a tree lightingceremony on December 14 to mark the countdown to Christmas.
Approximately 65 trees have been placed around the manger sceneon St. Bernadette’s grounds. Each pine is dedicated to a loved oneby the parishioners of the church.
The trees were blessed by Monsignor Thomas Caserta before beingilluminated.
This was our third year doing it and we do it in conjunctionwith a gift from Maimonides, which we use to help decorate theoutside of the church for the Christmas season, Caserta noted.
It is a great feeling, Caserta went on. People have a sensethat their loved ones are with them for the Christmascelebration.
After the lighting, attendees went into the school auditoriumfor hot chocolate and cookies, and to listen to the children’schoir sing.
The Shrine Church of St. Bernadette is located at 8201 13thAvenue.