It is once again the season for fun and festive holidayparties!
The Neighborhood Improvement Association (NIA) CommunityServices Network upheld this tradition it held a holidaycelebration on Thursday, December 15. Mary Anne Cino, CEO of NIA,said that the event was a family holiday celebration that about400 people attended — parents, students and communityleaders.
Students from I.S. 281, P.S. 204, P.S. 128, P.S. 180, J.H.S. 227and P.S. 186 provided entertainment with a number of dance andchoral performances. We are very proud of the students and staffof our afterschool programs, noted Cino, who also credits thestudents with decorating the Regina Youth Center where the partywas held.
The event also featured seasonal music and of course, a visitfrom Santa Claus.