On January 12, in a ceremony older whose tradition dates backcenturies, soldiers from the Brooklyn North Recruiting Companygathered in the Drill Hall at Fort Hamilton for the changing of theguard.
A crowd of over 100 soldiers and spectators looked on as CaptainStephen Gerry replaced Major Anthony Green as commander of theBrooklyn North Recruiting Company, part of the U.S. Army New YorkCity Recruiting Battalion. The battalion is composed of sixcompanies, 39 stations and a mix of nearly 300 soldiers andcivilians.It was an outstanding ceremony, highlighting the achievements ofthe soldiers of the Brooklyn North company, said Major CharlesJaquillard, executive officer of the New York City RecruitingBattalion.The battalion’s assigned purpose is to recruit future soldiers forthe Army and Army Reserve. Every year, it averages 1,400 newrecruits sent to the Army and 500 sent to reserve.Jaquillard says the January 12 changing of the guard was a fittingwelcome for a new commander who he has no doubt is up to thetask.It was just a great ceremony to welcome a truly great andcompetent commander in Captain Gerry, Jaquillard said.Change of command at fort recruiting battalion

Outgoing commander of recruiting Major Anthony Green, Battalion Commander Richard Davis and incoming commander, Captain Stephen Gerry.