The unseasonably warm weather has provided an opportunity forDOT to undertake Milling and Paving operations, a rare occurence inwinter months.
The DOT plans to mill and pave the full length of 8th Avenue,between Greenwood Cemetery and Flatbush Avenue, starting nextWednesday February 15th.
The work will start at the southern end and move north.Community District 7 (Windsor Terrace) would see work mid/late nextweek and early the week of Feb 19th, while Community District 6(Park Slope) would see work start midweek the week of Feb 19th.
As with all paving work, there will be some disruption, but thepaving will be done on a section by section basis immediatelyfollowing the milling, as opposed to leaving the road unmilled forany length of time, which should expedite the completion of thework and minimize disruptions.