Free varicose vein screening in Brooklyn

Staten Island University Hospital vascular specialists Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Dr. Jonathan Schor and Dr. Jonathan Deitch are holding a free varicose vein screening at their Brooklyn offices on Thursday, April 19 from 1 to 6 p.m.

“Many people suffer from varicose veins; however, some people are particularly prone to developing them,” Dr. Singh, who is a vascular surgery specialist, explained. “For example, pregnancy or obesity adds pressure in the abdominal area, causing reflux of blood that pools in the leg instead of flowing freely to the heart.”

There are two reasons to treat varicose veins. One is cosmetic: the veins can cause unsightly bulges on the legs and the blood components seeping out of the veins can leak onto the skin, causing discoloration. The other is for medical issues. Over time, the skin can erode and cause irritation or ulcers around the ankle that can be difficult to heal.

The symptoms are not hard to miss. “Crampy, heavy legs at the end of the day, especially for people who are on their feet most of the time,” Dr. Singh said. “There may be pain in the area where the bulges are as they start to walk, which is another reason to treat it.”

Singh warned that not just women suffer from varicose veins; men do too. “At the screening, those with symptoms, like tired, heavy legs, visible bulges or spider veins, can come in,” he said. “Varicose veins or spider veins can be easily diagnosed with a physical exam and a painless test using an ultrasound in the office.”

As for treatment, if they are small enough, they can be cleared up with an injection of an agent. Larger veins are treated with a 20-minute minimally invasive laser procedure, also done in the office.

Those who are overweight, have had children, have a family history and do long periods of standing throughout the day over several years are more susceptible to problem veins.

The free screening will take place at 705 86th Street, at the lower level. For more information, call 718-226-3400.

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