Community Board 10 hosted Department of Environmental Protection officials and area residents at the Shore Hill Community Room for an update on the 92nd Street sewer construction on October 25.
Although the 92nd Street sinkhole was filled in on October 9, more work needs to be done to insure that another similar incident doesnt happen.
I know its an inconvenience, but work is being done, said CB 10 Chair Joanne Seminara to about two dozen Ridgeites.
Shane Ojar, director of community partnerships at DEP, thanked neighbors for their patience. DEP wanted to make sure that when we were done with work in the area, that the sewers were in good condition, he said. We inspected sewers and found places that needed repair.
Right now, DEP crews are inspecting the sewer line between Fourth Avenue and Ridge Boulevard. Once that is finished, a process called guniting will begin; in that process, a layer of concrete is sprayed into the interior sewer pipe, forming an impermeable layer and extending its lifespan.
We dont have to remove pipes; all work is done through the manhole, Ojar explained. It is all also weather-dependent.
Guniting is expected to be finished by mid-December. Then, temporary pumps at Third and Fourth Avenues can be removed.
National Grid will then come in and do gas main updates between Fourth Avenue and Ridge Boulevard, Ojar said. We are still processing what can be done. Then, DEP does a final restoration.
This means that work wont be completely finished until early spring. Its a little long of a process, but now we have a timeline, Ojar said. I know its not pretty, but the streets will be functional and sidewalks will be open. Its not happy news but we are getting there.
At the end of this, all of the sewers in the area will be in tip-top shape, he went on. We are making sure that when we leave here, sewers are in excellent condition.
DEP has also inspected odors that residents said were emitting from various catch basins. We found that if we were to maybe reorient how catch basins feed into sewers by reconfiguring catch basins, we will hopefully at best reduce the odors you have been experiencing, Ojar explained.
CB 10 Community Coordinator Dorothy Garuccio noted that at the last general board meeting, residents complained of catch basin odors, but
Any residents with issues are encouraged to call 3-1-1 or file a request online at