Community Involvement: Mary Nolan has served the community in a number of ways. As a member of the Police and Public Safety Committee on Community Board 10, she has been involved in helping bring issues to the forefront for the welfare of the community.
Nolan is also very passionate about immigration reform. She was very involved with the political events in Northern Ireland, and lobbied in Washington to get laws passed in 1982. Today, Nolan supports Emerald Isle Immigration Center, an organization in Queens that gives information about visa laws when they come out. She tries to spread the message by handing out fliers to churches whose congregations are made of many immigrants.
I want to be helpful to the community, Nolan said.
Career: The greatest achievement of Nolans career was helping immigrants through Catholic Migration Services. Two years ago, at its annual dinner focusing on immigration, Nolan was presented with the Shining Star award. She was also honored by District Attorney Joe Hynes. Being able to change the law is her greatest achievement, she said.
Personal life: Raising four nice children, and having ten grandchildren is Nolans greatest personal achievement. Its one of the most important things to do in life.
Biggest Challenge: Nolan faced her biggest challenge when her son, who had moved to Ireland after his marriage, had to return to the United States due to the poor economy. Im trying hard to help him, Nolan said.
Motivation: Nolan is most motivated by the change that she can make politically, for the community and for the country as a whole, by fighting for new legislation. Being involved and trying to change things for the better, and to help candidates who will be best for the job get elected is my motivation, Nolan said.