Christ Church celebrates Saint Lucia

An old Scandinavian custom was made new again, as students in the Christ Church after school celebrated the Saint Lucia festival on Thursday, December 13.

Victoria Hofmo, director for Christ Church’s after school program, organized a traditional Saint Lucia day procession co-sponsored by the Scandinavian East Coast Museum.

“This one of the most beautiful tradition at this time of the year,” said Hofmo. The holiday is celebrated across the Christian world in different ways. It remembers the light and dark times of the Christian faith according to Hofmo.

Saint Lucia is the patron saint of the blind who was persecuted and blinded herself for charitable work done on behalf of her religion. Traditionally in Scandinavia, a young girl is elected as Saint Lucia and, wearing a crown of candles, carries a basket of sweet bread at the head of a procession other boys and girls.

Keeping with this tradition, this year’s Saint Lucia was Sally Anro. Adorned in a white robe, she led the procession of other children to open the event. Festivities also included singing, baking, and arts and crafts. The 30 children who participated were all members of Christ Church’s after school program. Spectators of the event included families of the children and community members.

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