One killed, seven injured in horrific crash

The intersection of West Fifth Street and Quentin Road was the scene of a horrific crash on Saturday afternoon, December 8, when two cars collided in Bensonhurst after the driver of one allegedly blew a stop sign.

The crash left one woman dead and three of her family members injured, including a one year-old girl who sources claim is in stable condition. According to police sources, the pedestrians were taken to area hospitals where 60 year-old Asian Chenugor Dao was pronounced dead upon arrival.

Andrea F., who lives across the street, called 9-1-1 after she heard a 10-second screeching noise and saw through her window the car go up in the air and flip. By the time she put her shoes on and went down, the medical personnel had arrived.

“It could’ve been me,” she said, adding that she usually puts out her garbage on the site where the pedestrians were hit. “They weren’t moving; they were bleeding from the head; people were lying on the floor,” the witness said.

“This is a dangerous place. You could walk in the sidewalk and get killed,” she added.

Police responded to the call at 2:25 p.m. when two cars collided and one mounted the sidewalk, hitting the family on the northeast corner of West Fifth.

Residents are desperately pleading for a traffic light, as they say they have seen at least two other accidents occur in the same area in just the last three weeks; in one, drivers knocked down a fence.

An added concern is the safety of children who live in the area. “There are a lot of kids who play on the block,” said bystander Waleed Khalid who lives on West Fourth.

Six of the victims involved in the accident were hospitalized; one of the drivers refused medical attention.

No criminality is suspected.

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