Etiquette Boss: Knife and fork etiquette

One of the most common dining mistakes occurs when picking up a knife and fork to begin a meal. A close second involves using them to indicate that the meal is finished.

Let us prepare your child to make a good dining impression by teaching him/her how to hold a knife and fork correctly. Have your child sit with both palms open. Place the stem of the fork in the left palm; no fork stem should be seen sticking through the thumb and forefinger. The tip of the forefinger should rest against the neck of the fork.

The knife is similarly placed in the right hand. Have your child turn over both hands while firmly grasping knife and fork stems. The forefinger is the only finger seen now hands are turned to eating position.

Cut meat or vegetables with single swipes (no sawing meat as if it were a piece of wood.) When the meal is finished, both utensils are placed in the 4:20 position on the plate, as it permits the removal of dishes without the need to push the flatware aside.

The edge of the knife is turned toward the fork, and the fork is turned upward. In certain countries, such as France, the fork is turned downward, as royal or family crests are located on the back of the fork. In England, these crests are placed on the front of the fork, hence the upturned fork when setting or clearing the table.


Anti-aging – Coconut Milk

Coconut milk (unsweetened) has received rave reviews for conditioning and softening the complexion. Apply raw coconut milk and leave for 15-20 minutes before rinsing.

Your face will feel smooth due to the natural fats in the milk. To exfoliate face and body, combine one cup of sea salt, four tablespoons coconut milk and one tablespoon coconut oil. Add more coconut milk if needed until it is the consistency you need. This beauty product is cheap and it leaves the body smooth and summer ready.

Phillipa Morrish is the president of Etiquette Training International.

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