They’ve got a song in their heart!
Members of the Kiwanis Club of Bensonhurst & Bay Ridge joined Kiwanians from throughout the borough for an evening of karaoke, fundraising and awards held in memory of Haley Daquara, a local child who succumbed to a rare blood disease in 2013. Haley, the daughter of Greenhouse Cafe proprietor Bobby Daquara, loved to sing and enjoyed performing at karaoke events held “on the avenue.”
It was her love of karaoke that inspired this event, according to Brooklyn Kiwanis Lt. Gov. Penny Santo, who organized the event.
“The Haley Girl Karaoke Night is part of a fund that was started several years ago and was named in memory of Haley Daquara in 2023,” Santo explained. “By attending this event, you can make a difference in the lives of children in our community who rely on Maimonides for their medical needs, whether it’s for minor illnesses or chemotherapy treatments.”
Funds raised from the event will benefit the pediatric in-patient floor at Maimonides, Santo said.
After an emotional group rendition of Haley’s favorite song — “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus — Santo presented awards to several deserving recipients for their work to benefit the children of the community.
Ben-Bay Kiwanis board member Joseph Mure Jr. received the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for his years of dedication to juvenile diabetes research. Mure’s annual Little North Pole event at his Neponsit Beach, Queens home raises hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and other noble causes.
Several members of the Maimonides staff were also honored at the event. Pediatric Floor Nursing Director Mary Loretta, Child Life Specialist Alexis Ellis and Athalca Henry, R.N. were praised for their tireless work on behalf of children in need at the hospital.
After the program, attendees performed their favorite karaoke songs and enjoyed an impromptu dance party. New York District Kiwanis Gov. Lucien Giancursio traveled to Bay Ridge from upstate New York to take part in the event, and he credited the Brooklyn clubs for their continuous efforts to help children in need.
“We may not see the impact, but the impact is real,” he said.
Daquara spoke about the spirit of the event and thanked everyone for supporting Maimonides in memory of his daughter.
“This is really a great night,” he said. “Thank you to everyone for doing this. She would have loved it.”