“Brooklyn DA” series to debut next week

A six-part series following the careers of Brooklyn’s assistant district attorneys, called “Brooklyn DA,” will premiere on Tuesday, May 28 at 10 p.m. on CBS.

This paper spoke with Senior Executive Producer Susan Zirinsky and series creator Patti Aronofsky about the premise for the show. Both women have worked on the news documentary “48 Hours,” and most notably the film “9/11” featuring the Naudet brothers from France.

Aronofsky, who has worked with the District Attorney Charles Hynes’ office in the past, explained that the series follows some of the careers of the ADAs.

“They are fascinating people and their cases are fascinating,” she said. “It’s about the stories and the cases they are on: A real dynamic mix of who they are, what drives them, what’s compelling about their cases, what their lives are like, the stories they pursue and the passion for each story.

“You have the real life drama of a case and you have the real life drama of a human being as ADA and the synergy of a unique person and why they committed to this for a living,” Aronofsky went on. “Brooklyn is becoming a dynamic mecca of culture and wealth. You will see ADAs who have been there for 30 years and some for five.”

Zirinsky noted that the series does show the downfalls of the office.

“This is not something that is a valentine or wet kiss to the DA’s office. We really deal with a lot of issues,” she said. “There was one case they worked on for two years that fell apart. You are on a roller coaster with dynamic people who really believe that with this job they can do something every day that impacts lives.”

Jerry Schmetterer, a spokesperson for Hynes, said that a lot of court room activity was filmed and that the show explores many of the programs that the DA has founded, regarding crime prevention and addressing recidivism.

“It’s an opportunity for people to get a look at how the criminal justice system works,” he said.

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