Muffin’s Pet Connection: Brooklyn Animal Foster Network needs your help

BAFN — It is with a heavy heart, many tears and great desperation that I write … BAFN is weeks, if not days, away from closing its doors, Laurie Bleier wrote. We are no longer able to take dogs or cats into rescue and are praying that we can even cover the vet bills for the dogs we currently have in rescue.

Popular Brooklyn Animal Foster Network is struggling for survival. Fewer donations and more animals coming in has put them on brink of closure. Each and every spring, thousands of unwanted and orphaned kittens are left in the gardens and alleyways of Brooklyn to fend for themselves. Many will turn up in large numbers in the BAFN Network.

Founded in 2005, BAFN is a non-profit corporation committed to the following community services in Brooklyn:

•Fostering — Its 900+-strong family and individual foster home system provides safe haven for abandoned, abused or unwanted companion animals.

•Vetting — All animals in BAFN’s care are spayed or neutered and receive all life-saving or necessary medical attention. When these foster animals are emotionally and physically healed, BAFN searches for the correct human companion, ensuring a loving, permanent home.

•Community Outreach – BAFN’s referral service helps owners find new homes for their pets or helps reunite them with lost pets. Donations are 100 percent tax deductible. To donate, visit

Thank you, and God bless!


IN LOVING MEMORY: “Mommy was a black and white tuxedo, with her black fur, so remarkably shiny. Approximately four to 4-1/2 years old. She was a mush kitty who loved to be petted, held and cuddled, adorable, playful and really sweet, just like cotton candy.

“As I held her in her final moments, I told her that her daughter Angel (who was near death a couple of months ago) was now doing really well and also her son Tailless is doing great (the same person adopted them).I will miss her terribly, but now she is at the ‘Rainbow Bridge,’ playing, running and jumping with all of her friends, and loving it, I’m sure.

“God Bless you my Li’l One. I will always love you.” — Linda


MAMA: FERAL CAT COUPON PROGRAM… for cats in traps only –

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