They give of themselves simply for the sake of giving.
Volunteers from the Guild for Exceptional Children, as well as activists aligned with St. Anselm School and Church, and the Columbiettes, as well as the Bay Ridge Community Councils former (and current) treasurer were among BRCCs Hidden Treasures of the Community for 2014.This is the 10th year that BRCC has singled out quiet activists who contribute a great deal but ask little in return.This year, members chose to shine a spotlight on Jeanine DeLuca Condon, of St. Anselms Home School Association; Arlene Jablonski of the Columbiettes; Georgette Maione, of the Young at Heart Club at St. Anselm; Mary Frances Pazarecki, of St. Anselm Youth Activities; Joseph Sbarra, BRCCs former money man who has returned to reprise his role through June, 2014; and eight Guild consumers who give their time to the community. They are Linda Carlton, Brian Delury, Anna Dowd, Joseph Favata, Maria Mannino, Amanda Olinsky, Leanise Salas and Edward Voyticky, the dream team, as Alex Conti, co-chair of the Hidden Treasures of the Community Committee, called them.On February 21, during BRCCs meeting at Shore Hill, the honorees received their awards and more than a modicum of praise for their efforts, as BRCC leaders sang their praises.It is because of each of you that the community is as vibrant as it is, stressed Renee Dorsa, BRCCs president.The awardees seemed overwhelmed. It is truly an honor, Jablonski told the assembled crowd. I feel I am not deserving of this but I will continue to do what I can for the community.I am truly speechless, said Pazarecki. My whole goal is to make things better. I put my heart and soul into itIt is a real honor for me to share in this rich tradition, added Sbarra, in a salute to the long history of the BRCC, which was founded in 1951 by brothers Walter and Vincent Kassenbrock as an umbrella organization of organizations, and which today has over 90 member groups.Leave a Reply
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