Instead of taking political shots at Texas Governor Rick Perry for attempting to attract New York businesses to Texas, City Council Speaker Melissa Mark Viverito should take a closer look at our states and citys taxing and regulatory policies that causes businesses to move away.
Perry is not putting a gun to anyones head. And, frankly, moving to Texas from New York is not quite the same as relocating to New Jersey, so it is safe to assume that companies are doing it with eyes wide open. The bottom line seems to be that Texas is offering a generally across-the-board, gimmick-free, pro-business environment that is predictable, the end result being that companies make more money. And, in the final analysis, for business, making money is what it is all about. New York counters with specialized deals that create a patchwork of benefits for a limited period of time. It generally falls short vs. what states like Texas are offering.There are enormous other advantages for businesses to stay and expand in New York. The high quality work pool, the academic community, excellent access to both domestic and foreign capital, the many cultural attractions and even the weather make New York State and in particular the city and its suburbs attractive.Of course, these are not government offerings. They are things that help overcome the sizable bumps New York government puts in the way of business. Would it not be nice if New York could learn a little from the states that come in and attempt to raid our businesses instead of simply criticizing them? * * * I note with sadness the passing of Bill Federici, the legendary Daily News reporter and editor who was a longtime resident of Dyker Heights. I knew Bill. In fact, I bought his house in the mid-90s when he was approaching retirement and planning a move to Princeton, New Jersey. To say the least, he was a gracious individual. I also knew Bill from his work as the Daily News Brooklyn editor, his leadership of the Inner Circle and his community activism. Journalists and editors like Bill are a major reason the Daily News could call itself New Yorks Hometown Paper. They worked stories and understood what made communities tick as well as the faces and people that make New York. Rest In peace! * * * Attorney General Eric Schneiderman must issue two or three press releases a day, seven days a week. Yet poll after poll show few know him and even fewer like him. Now it looks like he is going to be faced with a very serious Republican-Conservative challenger in former State Environmental Commissioner and Pataki Chief of Staff John Cahill. Cahill presently heads up an environmental law and consulting practice based in the city. In discussions I have had with him over the past few months, he was clear that he considered Schneiderman an absolutely horrible AG who cared little more for the office then as a platform to someday run for governor. The AG, John joked, in the case of Schneiderman, stood for aspiring governor. He also makes a strong point that if Schneiderman were doing his job, you would not need a Moreland Commission. I have known John Cahill for many years and am certain that he would not enter the race unless he had strong political support lined up as well as significant financial backing. This is certain to be a hotly contested race and one in which I think there is a high likelihood of a change taking place in November.Leave a Reply
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