MEWS MEWS: Sasha, a two-year-old, long hair gray beauty, walks with pride and grace, performing a dance by slowly lifting and lowering each paw with the delicacy of a ballet dancer. She was diagnosed with stomatitis, a general term thatrefers to inflammation of the oral cavity,and had most of her teeth removed. With her four remaining canine teeth, she enjoys eating dry and wet food, plus she loves her treats.
The couple who adopted her, bathed her, instead of using Cat Wipes. Sweet Sasha was traumatized by the water, and returned. Our only wish for Sasha is to be adopted into a caring, gentle home, where she will be protected and loved forever.Medically, everything has been done. She is spayed, tested Leukemia and Aids negative, and vaccinated. She is a bit shy, but enjoys being petted with gentle chin rubs.Please consider adopting Sasha, by calling or texting Itty Bitty Kitty at1-917-889-5896. An adoption fee is requested, and a hard cat carrier is required when transporting Sasha.***DID U KNOW…? CAT OWNER ALERT: Astoria, Queens reported that in the last eight months more than 80 house cats have gone missing from the Queens neighborhood. NYPD has officers investigating these disappearances. No cat bodies have been found. Keep indoor/outdoor kitties INDOORS. Free roaming cats can be snatched, kept, sold, tortured, used for Pit Bull bait or worse. Hopefully, this WILL NOT happen in Brooklyn or in the other boroughs.***DEADLY DOG TREATS: Costco sells Normerica dog treats while the safety of the company’s products is being investigated. Regardless of the FDAs evidence, Costco maintains that the link between the dog deaths and the treats are inconclusive. However, this risk is too high for pet owners and animal lovers. These products should not be sold until investigators find an answer to why so many pets have died. Dog’s lives are at risk!***CAT FOOD RECALL: Abady Cat Food for Possible Salmonella Contamination –The Robert Abady Dog Food Co. LLC of Poughkeepsie, NY, has recalled the 2-lb., 5-lb. and 15-lb. boxes of Abady Highest Quality Maintenance & Growth Formula for Cats as it may possibly be contaminated withSalmonella.The recalled boxes of Highest Quality Maintenance & Growth Formula for Cats were distributed nationwide in retail stores and through mail orders, with plastic liners marked with lot # 14029/21 stamped on the right-side top of the box.***FACTS ABOUT PIGEONS: The first Biblical references to the pigeon (or dove) were in the story of Noah and the dove of peace, in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, the pigeon was mentioned during the baptism of Christ when the dove comes down as the Holy Spirit. Through the centuries observations of the pigeon have changed from God to the devil and from winner to loser! Pigeon facts continue…Muffin’s Pet Connection: Sasha needs a loving home

Sasha needs a loving home.