Do you feel that elderly are more at risk as pedestrians?
I do think more elderly seem in danger. Sometimes, they are not as attentive or on their cell phones. The new 25 mph rule may help them in certain areas.
John M.
Sunset Park
The last two years, I’ve helped several elderly and children from getting hit by cars. Older people are not as aware. I witnessed an accident just recently.
John C.
Sunset Park
It’s with both elderly and children. Parents are not holding their kids’ hands. Bicycle riders also seem to be a danger for older people crossing.
Gal C.
Sunset Park
Yeah. It’s been happening more. Their reflexes aren’t as quick. I don’t know if the new 25 MPH law will help because I’m not sure if it will be enforced enough.
Fredericka J.
Sunset Park.
It depends on the neighborhood. Today alone, I’ve seen five cars speeding excessively along Fifth Avenue. A lot of elderly are at risk.
Artie S.
Bay Ridge
Yeah. There are different hazards for elderly as their reflexes are not as fast. I’ve seen some crosswalks with sound alerts for the blind that help them cross. That could help along with speed bumps.
Robert L.
Bay Ridge
As long as they wait for the light and follow the rules, they should be fine. Just pay and attention and hope the drivers also follow rules.
Mary D.
Bay Ridge
Everyone is at risk as pedestrians, not just the elderly. I live in Dyker and I have heard several accidents. I don’t think drivers will follow new speed limit. More speed bumps on streets would help.
Greg D.
Dyker Heights