Former Councilmember seeks kidney transplant

He has made a career out of advocating for the community, but now former City Councilmember Lew Fidler is advocating on his own behalf, announcing on Friday, September 26 via his Facebook page that he is in need of a kidney transplant.

Fidler’s health issues began in 2012, when he was running for the State Senate.

“Five weeks before the election, I had an allergic reaction to prescription medication,” said the 58-year-old Fidler.  Since August of 2012, he has received dialysis.

“While I am doing reasonably well in the short term, dialysis will likely take its toll, perhaps sooner rather than later. I need a kidney transplant as soon as possible,” Fidler posted on Facebook.  “Please help me search for an altruistic donor by sharing this post and encouraging your FB friends to do the same.” Fidler is Blood Type A +.

Despite the circumstances, Fidler remains both optimistic and grateful. “I’m one of lucky ones. I have dialysis very early in morning three days a week. I’m hooked up to a machine for two and a half hours. When I come off of the machine, most of the times I can get in my car and go to work,” he said. “Sometimes, when you come off the machine, you get nauseous. That hasn’t happened to me yet. I’m hoping to address my kidney situation before that happens.”

Throughout the process, Fidler has looked to non-profit organization Renewal for help. Thus far, he has been grateful to the group. “It’s a wonderful organization that helps focus efforts on finding a donor,” he said. “They explain to people what’s involved and provide information and emotional support throughout. In the event someone comes forward and is willing to donate a kidney, and it isn’t a match for me, they will match will someone else in data base.” According to Fidler, Renewal is responsible for 25 percent of altruistic kidney donations in country.

The love that Fidler has received from family and friends has touched the former councilmember. “My family has been involved from the beginning and they’ve been great,” he told this paper. “The support I’ve received from the Facebook nation has been really heartwarming. My request has been shared hundreds of times and the word has certainly gone out, thanks to friends. I can’t say how much I appreciate it. I guess all I can say is that hope springs eternal. It’s one operation I’m actually looking forward to getting.”

For more information on how to help, contact Renewal at 718-431-9831, or email [email protected].

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