In a first time weeklong wellness initiative, the Brooklyn Chamber Of Commerce partnered with local fitness clubs to get people active and healthy at an affordable price.
BKFit Week was held from November 9 to 16, with the goal of bolstering commerce and health within Brooklyn.
“We wanted to get Brooklynites in shape and get more business for all of our member businesses that are in the fitness world,” said Carlo Scissura, the Chamber president. “Additionally, we wanted to get people talking about health and fitness and wellness.”
A Health and Fitness Expo kicked off BKFit Week on the Factory Floor at Industry City on November 9. Over 60 vendors participated, including gyms and restaurants.
“We had over 1,000 people at the expo, so that was great, and we had lots of people visiting BKFIt Week,” said Scissura.
The benefits extended past the week. “We’ve been following up with the gyms and fitness clubs and all of them have had six or seven new members join because of BKFit,” said Jordyn Buglione, the chamber’s director of member services.
“Ultimately, it definilty helped the community and it helped the businesses that partook,” added Scissura. “People really did have a great time and we will be having the second annual week next year.”