As America prepared to celebrate and thank its veterans on November 11, the Dyker Heights Knights took it a step further.
“To commemorate their great deeds, our nation has dedicated a day to honor them,” said a representative from the Dyker school, “and we at I.S. 201, in appreciation of their great service, would like to acknowledge them as well.”
To that end, from November 3 to 11, students at I.S. 201 brought in relatives who served in the armed forces to talk about their personal experiences.
On Monday, November 3, Raymond Hughes, the grandfather of Bobby and Kristen Hughes (Dyker Heights alumni) and a 91-year-old veteran of World War II, eagerly shared with the kids his stories of honor, bravery, and self-sacrifice.
When asked to speak at the school, Hughes said, “Sounds fine and dandy, as long as I can wear my uniform.”
The other veterans who led the students in the Pledge of Allegiance were Travis Greaves Sr., who served in the Marines during Operation Enduring Freedom, and is the father of Travis Greaves Jr.; Ceasar Macieras of the U.S Army who also served during Operation Enduring Freedom, and is the father of Xavier Macieras; and Army veteran Hasham Hadid, the father of Dan Hadid.
“Veterans Day should be every day. We should not thank and appreciate our veterans on one day a year,” said Joseph Gianni, a social studies teacher at the school.
“We support our troops and thank all our veterans for the freedom we all enjoy today,” said Robert Ciulla, the principal of I.S. 201.
“Our children at Dyker Heights have all showed their appreciation,” he went on, “The look of joy and intrigue on their faces when they see and listen to one of our veterans is priceless.”