Times Square may generate the loud buzz and biggest crowds for New Year’s Eve, but this year, Brooklyn has become a prime destination to ring in 2015 with several celebratory places partygoers can choose from.
For the first time in its rich history, Coney Island will play host to its own New Year Eve’s Ball Drop. The celebration will take place near the Parachute Jump, which will light up and help countdown the seconds to midnight. A stage will also be set up for performances.
“We are extremely excited that we are starting a Brooklyn tradition in 2015,” said Borough President Eric Adams during the official announcement on Thursday, December 18 at the neighborhood staple. “Why go to Manhattan and be squashed like sardines when you can come to the county of Kings and be treated with royalty? We’re going to have music, bands and fireworks.”
The event will include DJ and sideshow performances, a Coney Island fixture. Hot chocolate will also be given out during the likely frigid but festive evening.
“We’re going to be doing it on the ground level and really bringing in our schools and college’s great music acts,” Adams explained when comparing it to other celebrations. “In the future, we’ll have a contest throughout the year on which band is going to perform; we’re bringing a marching band, doing step shows and just really having this become a Brooklyn feel.”
“I’ve never traveled for Time Square for New Year’s Eve, but I’m going to be right here at Coney Island on New Year’s Eve,” said Councilmember Mark Treyger. “We encourage all New Yorkers, especially Brooklynites, to come here and support one of the most historic greatest neighborhoods across the nation. We’re no longer seasonal. We’re the four seasons.”
A celebration to ring in the New Year will also be held at the Grand Army Plaza for its annual fireworks display. Attendees can enjoy live entertainment, drinks, and more before the sky lights up at midnight.
“The celebration, hosted by Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams, will get started with live entertainment and hot chocolate at 11 p.m., followed by fireworks,” said Grace McCreight, Conservation Corps Fellow of the Prospect Park Alliance. “The best locations for viewing the fireworks include Grand Army Plaza, inside the Park on the West Drive, and along Prospect Park West between Grand Army Plaza and 9th Street.”
The New Year’s Eve Fireworks are presented by the Prospect Park Alliance and Borough President Adams.
“With fireworks in Coney Island and at Grand Army Plaza, the best parties for ringing in 2015 will be in the hippest and most colorful borough around,” added Adams.
The turnout for last year’s Grand Army Plaza event was impressive, with the same expected this time around. “An estimated 20,000-50,000 people viewed the Park’s fireworks last year from various viewing sites,” said McCreight.