In the wake of the recent deaths of Eric Garner and Detectives Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, Peace Action—a Bay Ridge Interfaith Peace Coalition—held a candlelight vigil for peace on a day that celebrates just how important that peace is — January 19, Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
The event, held at Bay Ridge’s Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, at Fourth Avenue and Bay Ridge Parkway, was followed by a presentation and discussion about New York Grand Jury proceedings lead by Robyn Hederman, a former Legal Aid attorney and Brooklyn defender.
“I think it was great that we remembered Eric Garner and the two police officers,” said Vicki McFadyen, president of Peace Action. “I think we were the only group that’s done that.”
Peace Action works locally on peace initiatives, according to its website, and brings the community’s views to the attention of the public and local elected officials.
“We had a good turnout and we had a good program afterwards,” added McFadyen. “Everybody seemed to be very happy with it.”