The legacies of slain detectives Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos will be enshrined on street corners close to their homes, now that the mayor has officially approved the re-naming of 56 thoroughfares and public spaces, two of which will honor the fallen heroes who were shot at point blank range while sitting in a marked police car on Saturday, December 20.
“Detectives Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu made the ultimate sacrifice while protecting the safety and security of our city’s residents—and they will not be forgotten,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio after signing the bill into law on Thursday, February 4. “The memories of these fallen heroes will remain in our hearts, and their families’ hearts, forever.”
The bill will see Ridgewood Avenue between Shepherd Avenue and Highland Place in Brooklyn become “Detective Rafael Ramos Way,” and West Sixth Street between Avenue S and Avenue T – also in Brooklyn – become “Detective Wenjian Liu Way.”
Both officers had ties to the borough, Ramos being a Sunset Park native and Liu, a Bensonhurst resident.
“Detectives Ramos and Liu personified what it means to serve New York City with honor and courage,” said Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito who lent her support for the bill on January 22. “These street co-namings are a tribute to their service and sacrifice on behalf of all New Yorkers.”
Streets will also be co-named, she said, to honor Steven Frosch, a police officer turned sanitation worker, and Edwin Thomas, a city bus driver, both of whom lost their lives while serving the city they lived in.
“These co-namings are a reminder to all New Yorkers that our city’s quiet heroes are all around us, working tirelessly to keep our communities safe from harm—and as we move forward from that fateful day, this legislation demonstrates our city’s deep commitment to honor all our city’s officers and remember those who have died in the line of duty,” said de Blasio.