Beating Cancer in Heels: Do you respect your privacy?

It seems as though nowadays we are losing our sense of privacy. There is more and more pressure to give out information and it’s annoying!

Sometimes it feels like a bully who won’t allow us to be a part of their cliché unless they get something out of it. It astonishes me how the bullying model gets implemented into so many parts of our lives and how much it works for that matter.

Just recently, I tried to look at a shoe website but I couldn’t view anything without signing up. I mean, really? In order for me even to see if I like their product, I have to give them a piece of me? Nope, not doing it. Not even for shoes!

It wasn’t easy but why do I have to feel pressure to give up my privacy? When did the consumer start having to give in order to get? I understand signing up to be in the loop of something, but how do I even know if I want to be a part of it or not? Where is my test run?

It’s like high school all over again but only worse because what gets out into the cyber world will last forever. I’m just happy that I was born in a time when no one had a camera phone. We are forgetting more about our right to privacy and falling into the temptation of validation and superficial belonging.

When it comes to your private life, do you respect your privacy? Do you feel pressure to share it all? If you do, it’s okay as it is your life, but you don’t have to.

Your life can be shared with as few or as many people as you want but understand that sharing comes with its price. The price can be rewarding — like helping someone in his or her own life — or it can be devastating — like having your identity stolen from you.

Managing your privacy can lesson your anxieties and help you control your image, brand and personal information. You might not care what people think but the person who wants to hire, date or get to know you does. While you should be true to who you are, it doesn’t mean that everyone deserves it all.

Now, Coachee, ask yourself,

  • What would I like to keep private?

Perhaps venting about your last relationship on your newsfeed isn’t the best way to go about the pain. Doing so might hurt your chances with a potential matchmaker or partner.

Life Coach Tip — Find other ways to vent to people that can either help you with the pain or that you can help.

  • What do I want to be known for?

Sharing your passions is great and the more you show people what you love, the more they will recognize you for it.

  • Who do you want to let in on the private parts of your life?

In order to have support, you have to let some people in but make sure they are the ones who are going to lift you higher.

Empowerment – “Privacy is not something we are entitled to; it’s an absolute prerequisite,” — Marlon Brando

That’s it for today, Coachee! Stay tuned for more tips and stories from your Life Coach Marlena!

If you are interested in being coached one on one or group coaching with FRIENDS, please contact me at [email protected]. You can also follow me on Facebook, Beating Cancer In Heels & Marlena Ortiz.

REMEMBER: Women between the ages of 20 and 40 diagnosed with cancer get six free coaching sessions through the nonprofit

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