The sad reality is that former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton may well have placed the national security of the United States at risk by utilizing a private server housed in her home for governmental communications during her time at the State Department.
She violated federal policy and all sorts of security protocols. And her argument that she is protected by the Secret Service which in turn monitors her communications holds little water. The Chinese, Russians, North Koreans as well as various terrorist elements have had some level of success penetrating the far more sophisticated security walls in place at the Defense Department. The likelihood that a private server monitored by the Secret Service in Mrs. Clinton’s home was as secure as a Defense Department server is highly questionable.
Mrs. Clinton’s actions — which were clearly designed to limit public access through the FOIL law to potentially damaging political communications — when taken in the context of her role as Secretary of State were quite irresponsible.
Personally, I think this growing e mail scandal raises very serious concerns regarding her fitness to serve as president. I suspect there will be several potential Democratic presidential contenders who will be quick to take advantage of any weakness.
The 47 Republican US Senators were wrong to sign a letter to the Iranian government informing them that the Senate would likely oppose the nuclear arms agreement. The agreement should be opposed – it stinks and is another example of a president who has his priorities mixed up. But the letter should never have been sent.
International negotiations are to be managed by the president and the State Department. The Senate and Congress have an important role but at a different point in the process. If the 47 senators wanted to send a letter indicating their disapproval with the potential agreement, they should have sent it to President Obama.
The Brooklyn South Conservative Party Club chaired by Liam McCabe held a quite enjoyable and successful event recently honoring Fran Vella-Marrone with National Review columnist Charlie Cooke as the keynote speaker. State Chairperson Mike Long attended as well as State Senator Marty Golden and representatives of Assemblymember Nicole Malliotakis.
Conservative/Republican Congressional candidate Dan Donovan dropped by to update the club on his vibrant effort to become the district’s next congressmember. Dan not only gave remarks, he took the time to meet personally most of the many guests gathered. The special election will be held on Tuesday, May 5. Lawn signs, window posters and literature may be obtained by calling the Conservative Party at 718-921-2158.
As mentioned, the honoree was Brooklyn Conservative Party Vice Chairperson and civic activist Fran Vella-Marrone who received the Eugene Walsh Memorial Award. Walsh had been a founder to the Conservative Party in the Bay Ridge/Dyker Heights areas in the 1960s.
He was still quite active when Fran and I became active a number of years later and acted as a mentor to both of us. Mr. Walsh, as Fran made a point of saying, always found the time to talk to us and explain conservative philosophy and politics. He was a very nice man and is sorely missed.
The keynote speaker Charlie Cooke conducted a book signing for his latest book hot off the presses just a week ago, entitled Conservatarian Manifesto.
The Brooklyn Conservative Party will be holding a public forum on domestic terrorism on Thursday, March 26 at 7 p.m. at the Hughes Council Knights of Columbus at 86th Street and 13th Avenue. The guest speaker will be author, TV commentator and columnist Joseph Connor.
Mr. Connor brings a personal tragedy to the issue of domestic terrorism. His father was killed back in 1975 in the Fraunces Tavern bombing by the FALN.