Two perpetrators who attempted carjacking twice in one day were caught by the 72nd Precinct, with Police Officer Wilfredo Montes awarded Cop of the Month honors during the April 72nd Precinct Community Council meeting for arresting the first perp.
On Monday, March 23 at approximately 11:30 a.m., Montes and his partner received a call for a carjacking in progress.
“The (perps) tried to open up the car of the first victim,” said Captain Tommy Ng, “tried to punch the window a couple of times. The victim wouldn’t open the door or exit the vehicle.”
When that tactic was unsuccessful, the perps took off, followed by the victim, heading to 18th Street and Fifth Avenue where they approached two females sitting in a car at a stop light and tried to take that vehicle.
“We were following this car closely and Officer Montes was the first to respond,” said Ng. “He immediately apprehended one perpetrator because when they saw the police coming, they just split up. The second perpetrator was subsequently apprehended by another police officer.”
A humbled Montes expressed his gratitude for the award. “I’ve been in the 72nd precinct for 11 years. My goal is the same now as it was when I got on the job, which is to keep the community safe. Every day, I try to do that for you guys and I hope in any aspect I do that. This last arrest, I think I might have accomplished it,” said the officer, who also leads the precinct’s NYPD Explorer’s Program for the community’s youth.