The Little Doctors’ Enrichment Program at P.S./I.S. 229 – The Dyker School – ran yet another successful blood drive in the school auditorium during after school hours on Tuesday, May 19.
According to Linella Ferraro, a teacher who helps run the program, the blood drive fulfilled one of the Little Doctors’ program purposes in backing the school motto: “Home, School, Community.”
“We actually hold a program for the students so that they’re immersed in things that have to do with the medical fields as well,” Ferraro said. “That’s why our school runs it so differently from all the other schools in the neighborhood and I think that is another reason that our school has been so successful in our blood drives.”
A turnout of 19 people were already counted two hours into the drive, higher than average. By the end, 22 people donated. Since every one pint of blood saves up to three people, an estimated 66 lives were saved, according to Ferraro.
“Usually, they say anything around 10 is a success,” she said, also mentioning great turnouts in the past three years the drive has been held. “I really think that a big part of it comes from the students because they’re so involved in the Little Doctors’ program and the activities that we do and our discussions and all that stuff that they’re actually able to become more interested and they’re able to get the community and their parents involved.”
The blood drive was met with positive reactions from all around the school community.
“I think that it’s great that the kids are involved and they’re taking part here in helping out the community and seeing teachers, families and even friends come in, it helps,” said teacher Susanne Lanigan.
As far as the group’s future plans, Ferraro said they hoped to get involved with HealthPlus, who had a representative come to them saying they’d be able to work together to get more materials for the school, like getting stethoscopes for the children to use, and to do more for the community.
“We’re very proud of our students and the interests that they show in little doctors’ program,” said Ferraro. “Our school is very big in making sure that our motto, ‘Home, School, Community’ is really put into full effect and we’re hoping that any students who show interest in coming to our school, especially our middle school, know that community service and paying it forward is one of the main things that we try to instill in our children.”
P.S./I.S. 229 is located at 1400 Benson Avenue.