Passersby along Fourth Avenue near 95th Street have gotten a first glimpse of the way the seven-story mixed-use residential and commercial building slated for 401 95th Street will look, thanks to a rendering of the project hung on the construction fence.
The site, formerly home to a two-story convent built in 1966 by St. Patrick’s Church across the street, wraps around the northeast corner of 95th Street and Fourth Avenue and directly faces the sanctuary, which some residents have said will leave the development looking a bit out of character.
Based on the rendering, the building, which runs from lot line to lot line, appears to have floor to ceiling windows and numerous balconies, with a set-back penthouse that appears to take up about half of the building’s seventh story. It is clearly taller than its neighbors.
As of December, 2014, Sunset Park real estate developer Tak Kwong Cheung’s floor plan called for 22 residential units (it is still unclear whether or not those units will be condos or co-ops) with retail space on the ground floor.
According to Community Board 10 District Manager Josephine Beckmann, Cheung’s proposal was as-of-right and the developer was, in fact, given the green light to build up to a 70-foot structure as the site’s split zoning legally allows for it.
The site is zoned predominately R6A, permitting apartment buildings, with a C2-3 commercial overlay, allowing businesses on the first and second floors below the residences.
Construction is set to wrap up by winter, 2016.