After several letters were written to the New York State Commissioner of the Department of Transportation (DOT) regarding Ocean Parkway’s problematic roads, three local pols are demanding a timelier response.
Councilmembers David Greenfield and Mark Treyger, alongside Senator Simcha Felder—who all share the parkway, which stretches from Church Avenue to Avenue Z within their respective districts—were assured by the DOT that repairs to the road—laden with potholes, uneven pavement, and inadequate signage for pedestrians and bicyclists—would be completed by 2017. The trio, however, felt that the issue was more pressing.
“The condition of Ocean Parkway is horrendous,” said Greenfield. “I have received numerous calls and complaints to my office about huge potholes, crumbling pavement and the general terrible condition of these roads. We cannot wait any longer for Ocean Parkway to be fixed.”
“The current state of Ocean Parkway is absolutely unacceptable and must be addressed now on behalf of thousands of residents who rely on this main thoroughfare each day,” added Treyger.
“This has clearly become a legitimate safety issue that is putting drivers at risk due to the potholes and broken pavement along the entire stretch of Ocean Parkway. We are once again asking that the state move forward with its planned repairs immediately instead of waiting for this situation to get even worse.”
Additionally, last spring, Greenfield and Treyger urged Mayor Bill de Blasio to reconsider changing the speed limit on Ocean Parkway from 30 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour as part of the city’s Vision Zero initiative. Brooklyn’s Ocean Parkway was constructed as the major roadway throughout central and southern Brooklyn, according to Greenfield’s office; the parkway is heavily trafficked because there are no parallel roads of similar capacity nearby.
“I have written New York City’s Department of Transportation many times to demand that they repair this major roadway,” said Felder. “New York City is obligated to pave this road and keep it free from potholes and other safety hazards. Delaying repairs could G-d forbid result in vehicular or pedestrian accidents to the thousands of people who use this city road on a daily basis.”