The PYO Saints completely controlled and dominated the first quarter of the match by meticulously moving the ball down field to draw first blood.
Quarterback Jhomar Bennett orchestrated the Saints like a conductor in a symphony. His arsenal included running backs Jason “Torpedo” Hockfeld, Jason Porcaro, Alex Katten and himself. His battle plan was to gain small amounts of yardage to get to the first down.
Five first downs got the Saints to first and goal position and Bennett decided to go up the middle himself to strike the crucial blow. The Saints kicked for two extra points and the tally was 8-zip, Saints.
The Broncos has possession for a short period and fumbled and lost the ball to the Saints. The Saints did no better, losing possession to a pass interception. Brandon Diaz of the Broncos was in the right place at the right time to make the interception. The Broncos held the ball into the second quarter, then fumbled again. Jonathan “Tombstone” Hockfeld made the recovery for the Saints.
The Saints made good on their possession when Bennett entered pay dirt and the Saints kicked for an additional two points. The Broncos’ lackluster performance with two pass attempts ended when Daniel “Bone breaker” Dasaro muscled his way past the Bronco line of defense to sack the quarterback in the end zone for a two-point safety. The Saints held the ball to the end of the half with an 18-zip advantage.
The Broncos open the second half with a slick double reverse play that was foiled by “Tombstone” Hockfeld of the Saints. On their next attempt, they were stopped by the brothers Hockfeld and Christian “Hammer Time” Cosme put the kibosh on their forward movement with a two-point safety sack. The Saints continued to shellac the Broncos by scoring again with a spiral from Robert “Pay Dirt” Lay to Katten. The Saints stood tall with a 26-zip lead.
The Saints lost control when Nicholas Diangelis intercepted a Lay pass and the Broncos got their wake-up call. David Nisbet began his assault despite being battered by Mousa Tous, Gerry Haak and Angelo Fuschetto as well as the Hockfeld boys.
But nothing could stop his advance. Finally, with 72 seconds on the clock, Nisbet entered sacred soil and prevented a shutout and preserved Bronco pride. The Saints took home the bacon and the 26-6 victory.