Brooklynites invited to apply online for community board seats

Borough President Eric Adams is encouraging civic-minded Brooklynites to apply for a position on one of Brooklyn’s 18 community boards – a process they can take part in online for the first time in the borough’s history.

“Our community board members are critical to the conversation between the residents of each neighborhood, their city agencies and local elected officials,” said Adams, hoping that – by 2017 – the entire process will be paperless. “In a city of over eight million people, we cannot lose sight of the hyperlocal focus needed to solve problems and identify opportunities on every block and street corner.”

Community boards, which have existed in their current form for 40 years, are the most local representative bodies of government in New York City.

Applications for appointment and re-appointment for community boards are now available at, and will be accepted through Monday, February 15. Applicants must be New York City residents to serve on a community board and to qualify for a particular board, they must live in, work in, or have a professional or other significant interest in that board’s district.

Applicants will still have the ability to submit hard-copy applications this cycle.

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