Finally! It took over two years for the construction company hired by the New York City Transportation Department to raise the Bay Ridge Avenue Bridge a couple of inches, widen the traffic lanes running across the Belt Parkway and to repair the deteriorating conditions in the under croft of the structure.
The bridge’s under croft serves as a vehicle entrance to the American Veterans Memorial Pier (formerly called the 69th Street Ferry Pier) and the Owl’s Head Water Treatment plant, as well as a walkway and bicycle path to the Shore Road Promenade. With the new rehab, the good news is the darkened area under the bridge now has its own lighting.

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According to Tom Hilton, a parishioner at Christ Episcopal Church on Ridge Boulevard and a freelance photographer who frequently posts photos on Facebook, the big bronze bell that had been sitting on the front lawn of the Church of the Generals at 99th Street and Fort Hamilton Parkway has been moved to the lawn of Christ Church. He also mentioned to me that Bishop Lawrence Provenzano, head of the Long Island Episcopal Diocese, was at Christ Church this past Sunday and said several artifacts, stained glass windows and wall plaques from inside St. John’s would be put in storage for possible use by other Episcopal churches.
However, he also related to the congregation the historic metal plaques from outside St. John’s would be brought to Christ Church. He was unclear whether St. John’s had been sold, but said potential buyers had reportedly told him they would not demolish the church building. To be continued!
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The Bay Ridge St. Patrick’s Parade Committee is hosting a ceremony commemorating the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising on Saturday, March 19 at 2 p.m. in the front garden of the St. Patrick Rectory, Fourth Avenue near 97th Street. The event will include the unveiling of a Remembrance Stone. Special guests from Ireland have been invited. For more details or to RSVP, contact Linda Gallagher-Lomanto at 917-733-6764.
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Move over, Larry Stelter! The Community Board 10 member, author and past veep at the Bay Ridge Historical Society takes weekly winter dips with the Polar Bear Club in Coney Island waters. We just heard pop singer Lady Gaga, 29, recently took her first plunge at Chicago’s 16th annual Polar splash.