After years of somnolence, Sunset Park is suddenly booming again, the most recent news being the impending creation of a Made in New York Campus at Bush Terminal.
In this aerial photo from the files of this newspaper, we see the bustle in the neighborhood’s previous incarnation, with ships moored at dock after dock at the adjacent Brooklyn Army Terminal, whose parking lot – not incidentally – is filled with cars. The largest military supply base in the country through the second World War, it closed in the 1970s, but was subsequently repurposed and now is a thriving manufacturing/commercial hub.
I would enjoy sitting down with a reporter and giving you a neighborhood perspective on the last 50 years of the sunset park waterfront and why it has never had a serious plan for revitalization. Also, the real impact of Sunset Park’s waterfront being held by EDC and why Councilmember Menchaca approved giving up his (and the City Council’s) responsibility and duty to review all leases – for the next 39 years.