Esme Ellison and Kristine Kelleher are like Batman and Robin in the fight against Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBD). For the long-time friends, this battle is personal as they join forces to help raise awareness of the debilitating diseases.
Kelleher has suffered from ulcerative colitis, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the lining of the digestive tract, since she was in college and has since undergone a total colectomy. Ellison has suffered from Crohn’s disease since first being diagnosed in 2009.
“The mission of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation is to cure IBD,” Ellison told this paper. “One out of every 200 infants, children and adults in America suffers from Inflammatory Bowel Disease. There is no cure and the incidence of Crohn’s and colitis is increasing worldwide.”
On Saturday, October 6, Ellison and Kelleher are hosting the Bingo Power 2 Cure fundraiser for IBD at the Harp Bar at 7710 Third Avenue in Bay Ridge. It is in preparation for Spin4 Crohn’s & Colitis Cures, the official Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation indoor cycling event on Sunday, Oct. 21.
Ellison and Kelleher have committed to raising at least $1,000 at the Harp Bar where guests can purchase $20 bingo cards, with each card valid for all 10 games, and win a variety of prizes. Cash or checks are accepted with all checks made out to Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation.
“The silver lining of this disease is that it helped form a lifelong friendship of two people dedicated to help finding a cure,” Ellison added.