Those of us who have been around for a while know the lovely Chrisie Canny, who worked at the former Jenny Lynn’s quality ladies store and then started candle store Wixx on Third Avenue between 85th and 86th streets.
She is back with a new and vital agenda.
Canny has partnered in the past with Jeanine Condon of Charmed by aiding cancer awareness events such as BF5 last year, Now, they are hard at work staging “The 3rd on 3rd” — another worthwhile cancer-combating effort scheduled for Oct. 3 on, of all places, Third Avenue!
Canny is well known for her company Vented In Brooklyn, an aromatherapy jewelry company that gives back to cancer patients with every purchase.
“We have events throughout the year as well to raise money for different charities. I also was a co-creator of FareItForward during the beginning of the pandemic,” she said.
We must note that FareItForward raised $20,000 for different individuals in Staten Island and Bay Ridge who were out of a job.
Well done, Chrisie and Jeanine!
How ‘The 3rd on 3rd’ got started
“I reached out to the girls about selling my bracelets at their store and it turned into something bigger,” Canny told us. “They loved the idea of how we give back and wanted to do the same and offered to give a percentage of their sales the day we were there to a charity of our choice. They also felt their neighbors would join in. That is how ‘The 3rd on 3rd’ came to be.
“What we want to do is bring business to the many fantastic merchants on the avenue and unite people of Bay Ridge with a great cause and honor those we have lost or are fighting.”
“The 3rd on 3rd” folks, joined enthusiastically by Merchants of Third Avenue President Bob Howe, Co-Treasurer Brian Chin and other officers and members of the Merchants group, are asking participating merchants to donate a percentage of their take from the day to Making Strides.
Merchants are also encouraged to “dress their windows in pink if they can and to wear pink on Saturday, Oct. 3!”
“The check-in spot will be Charmed by JLM. We are thinking about having a scavenger hunt and a grand prize for the winner,” Canny added.
If you have any further questions, feel free to call Canny at 917-301-0201.
Ceretti family enjoys a Greenhouse feast

After many decades of development, Bay Ridge persists as a community of institutions, many of which will be key to rebuilding after the pandemic has done its worst. Third Avenue wasn’t built overnight, and one of those former business leaders who helped build the modern Third Avenue was then- Merchants of Third Avenue Vice President Anthony Ceretti, a regular patron of Third Avenue bistros. Now with a major investment firm, Ceretti recently dined with his family at Greenhouse Cafe — one of the borough’s leading restaurants thanks to the efforts of proprietors John Keegan and Bob Daquara. Shown above are (counterclockwise from right) Anthony Ceretti, Charlotte Ceretti, Carli Ceretti, Lee Sabatella, Andrea Ceretti, Carina Ceretti and AJ Ceretti. Photo courtesy of Chuck Otey