Local groups provided a Thanksgiving feast for their neighbors this week.
Reaching-Out Community Services held its annual “Operation Gobbler Giving” event Nov. 20, giving out more than 700 turkeys – along with all the trimmings – to people in need.

Four hundred of the birds were courtesy of the Rotary Club of Verrazano, which also donated money to the pantry, as did the SASSY Foundation, which kicked in $25,000.
“As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, we once again are so grateful for the sponsorship support to provide a turkey along with many vegetables for over 730 families so far,” said Reaching-Out founder Tom Neve. “With this event that will have a cost of over $65,000, it would never be possible without the wonderful sponsors.”

Rotary Club members also made their 20th annual pilgrimage to the Fort Hamilton Army Base to give turkeys to the troops.