Army base booms salute to USS Bataan

Fleet Week kicked off on the bluff at Fort Hamilton Wednesday morning as the Parade of Ships passed under the Verrazzano Bridge and into New York Harbor. The USS Bataan (LHD-5), an amphibious assault vessel, returned to New York as the designated flagship. At 843 feet, she is longer than two NFL football fields. Her motto is “Courage, Commitment and Honor.”

Artillerymen fire a salute to the USS Bataan. Eagle Urban Media/Photos by Ted General

As the mighty U.S. Navy ship approached Fort Hamilton, she was greeted with a booming 11-gun cannon salute fired from the post’s howitzers by members of the Veterans Corps of Artillery. The ship acknowledged the salute with return artillery fire from her bridge.

Xaverian H.S. trumpeters. Eagle Urban Media/Photos by Ted General

Other ships in the flotilla were the USS Marinette, U.S. Coast Guard cutters Sturgeon Bay, Katherine Walker and Calhoun; the German FGS Baden-Wurttenberg and FGS Frankfurt am Main; and four U.S. Naval Academy Yard patrol boats.

The Xaverian H.S. Concert Band performs. Eagle Urban Media/Photos by Ted General

As part of the welcoming ceremonies, the Fort Hamilton H.S. Junior ROTC Color Guard presented the colors for the playing of the national anthem by the Xaverian H.S. Concert Band and for the Pledge of Allegiance, which was led by preschoolers who attend the base’s daycare center.

The Fort Hamilton H.S. Junior ROTC Color Guard. Eagle Urban Media/Photos by Ted General

U.S. Army Garrison Commander Col. Brian Jacobs in his brief remarks spoke about the beautiful summer-like weather and how he and his staff appreciate the opportunity to host such a spectacular event at the start of Fleet Week.

Preschoolers from the base’s daycare center recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Eagle Urban Media/Photos by Ted General
Artillerymen fire a salute to the USS Bataan. Eagle Urban Media/Photos by Ted General

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