Is it too early to start talking about the holidays? Well, not if we’re talking about a holiday event that raises thousands of dollars each year to combat type 1 juvenile diabetes.
The annual Little North Pole event, hosted by prominent local attorney and Kiwanis Club of Bensonhurst & Bay Ridge board member Joseph Mure Jr. at his Neponsit Beach, Queens home, has raised more than $1 million for Breakthrough T1D (formerly the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) since its inception 29 years ago, according to Breakthrough T1D officials.
“I wanted it to be a community staple. I wanted to give back to the community. I wanted to give to the children,” Mure explained.

This year’s event — an all-day extravaganza that features live music, celebrity appearances and plenty of food and refreshments — is set to take place Saturday, Dec. 7. But dozens of volunteers showed up “on the avenue” early on Saturday, Nov. 2 to help Mure and his family unload and place hundreds of life-sized ornaments around the property at 144-03 Neponsit Ave. to create a real-life winter wonderland.
Members of Ben-Bay Kiwanis were among those helping to place decorations around the grounds.
“This is Kiwanis in action, right here!” proud Kiwanian Dr. George Shahin said as he unloaded a giant ornament from the back of an 18-wheeler and placed it on the home’s front lawn.

Board member Frank Naccarato was also there and thanked Mure for his continued dedication to this worthy cause.
“We as Kiwanians are proud to gather here to assist Joe every year as he continues to open his home to the community and raise money and awareness in the fight against juvenile diabetes,” he said. “The core mission of Kiwanis is to aid children and families in need, and Joe’s work during the holidays (and all year round) not only furthers this mission, but makes a real impact on the lives of so many.”
Also among the day’s volunteers were students and staff from Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn. In addition to unloading and placing items, several talented Adelphian artists set up shop on the front lawn to paint and position giant dreidels constructed and donated by the school each year as part of the gigantic holiday display.

“Our students look forward to volunteering and assisting with the setup for this very special event each year,” Adelphi Head of School Iphigenia Romanos said. “We are proud to teach Adelphians the importance of giving back and to show how supporting charitable events like the Little North Pole can make a real difference by bringing joy and hope to so many during the holidays.”
Adelphi’s Director of Academy Operations and Ben-Bay Kiwanis Club board member Albert C. Corhan Sr. was also on hand to support both his students and fellow Kiwanians.

The 29th installment of the Little North Pole will feature many of the same beloved traditions, including toys for every child in attendance and a visit from Santa Claus himself!
“We started small, it grew and got bigger. And we do it the same way as when we started it — provide entertainment for people coming out. Let them smile, give them a memory,” Mure explained.
Donations benefiting Breakthrough T1D may be made anytime via
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If you’re doing something noteworthy “on the avenue,” reach out to me directly at [email protected]!