Police Officer Victor Falcon of the 72nd Precinct was honored asthe Cop of the Month for March, for his role in the arrest ofsuspected serial burglar, Angel Ortiz.
Deputy Inspector Jesus Raul Pintos presented Falcon with acertificate of recognition at the monthly 72nd Precinct CommunityCouncil meeting, describing the young officer as someone with anatural eye for police work.
Pintos explained how, after arriving at the scene of a reportedburglary which the suspect had already fled, officers conducted awide canvass of neighboring blocks. It was during this canvass thatFalcon netted Ortiz.
Falcon has been a member of the 72nd Precinct for six years. Hewas also recognized for his work with a citation from State SenatorMartin Golden’s office.
Ortiz has a long rap sheet filled with past burglaries, andofficers are now evaluating old cases to determine whether he maybe responsible for additional incidents.